Back To School


Start the day well
A good day starts with a good breakfast. Make sure they get to school in the right frame of mind with breakfast must-haves and mustn't-forgets.

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Packed lunch

Lunchbox favourites
Packed school lunches help little ones refuel for an energetic afternoon of learning and play.

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Easy dinners
Don't have the time to prepare, cook and serve a full meal from scratch? Find simple, fast and easy meal solutions and take the stress out of weekday evenings.

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Whether you’re cooking, baking or spreading… whatever you think about plants, think again! Crush expectations with new Lurpak® Plant Based.

Lurpak Plant Based Butter

Whether you’re cooking, baking or spreading, crush expectations with new Lurpak® Plant Based.

Jacksons of Yorkshire Soft White Bloomer. On-pack promotion- WIN EVERY DAY, cash prizes for Great British breaks!

Jacksons of Yorkshire Bloomers

For your chance to WIN cash prizes for Great British breaks pick up a White, Multigrain, Bloomin' Both, Multiseed or Super Seeded Bloomer! See pack for details.

Jacksons of Yorkshire Soft White Bloomer. On-pack promotion- WIN EVERY DAY, cash prizes for Great British breaks!

Jacksons of Yorkshire Bloomers

For your chance to WIN cash prizes for Great British breaks pick up a White, Multigrain, Bloomin' Both, Multiseed or Super Seeded Bloomer! See pack for details.