Roasted salad onion & goat's cheese tarts

Roasted salad onion & goat's cheese tarts

These simple but impressive vegetarian pastries make for a satisfying lunch. Enjoy warm from the oven, or eat later at room temperature. They’re ideal for picnics when the time comes.

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  • Serves4
  • CourseLunch
  • Prepare10 mins
  • Cook20 mins
  • Total time30 mins

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  • 320g sheet all-butter puff pastry
  • 1 Essential White Free Range Egg, lightly beaten (optional)
  • 3 x 125g packs Waitrose Trimmed Salad Onion
  • 2 tbsp Essential Olive Oil, plus a drizzle more to serve
  • 2 x 150g packs Essential French Soft Goat's Cheese
  • 2 tsp fresh thyme leaves, plus extra to sprinkle
  • 1 large unwaxed lemon, zest


  1. Preheat the oven to 200ºC, gas mark 6, and arrange two shelves in the oven. Line a large baking tray with baking parchment. Unroll the pastry and use a sharp knife to cut into four rectangles, then transfer to the baking tray. Taking care not to cut right through, score a 2cm border around each rectangle, then prick the middle of each several times with the tines of a fork. Brush the borders with the beaten egg, if using.

  2. Halve the salad onions widthways. Toss in a separate large baking tray with the oil; season. Put the salad onions on the top shelf of the oven and the pastry cases on the lower shelf. Bake for 20 minutes or until the pastry is golden, stirring the onions halfway. Meanwhile, in a bowl, mix the goat’s cheese with the thyme and lemon zest; season.

  3. Gently press the bases of the tart cases down, then spread generously with the goat’s cheese mixture. Top with the roasted salad onions, scatter with more thyme leaves and drizzle with a little more olive oil, if you wish. Serve with a green salad, if liked.

Cook’s tip

Goat’s cheese:

Add some chopped black olives to the goat’s cheese mixture for an extra burst of flavour.


Typical values per serving when made using specific products in recipe


2,265kJ/ 545kcals



Saturated Fat












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