Camembert monkey bread with onion marmalade

Camembert monkey bread with onion marmalade

Monkey bread is always a talking point – especially when each dough ball is so fluffy and filled with oozing cheese.

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  • Serves10
  • CourseSide
  • Prepare35 mins
  • Cook30 mins
  • Total time1 hr 5 mins
  • Plusrising and cooling

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  • 100g butter, plus 5g softened
  • 500g pack white bread mix
  • 1 Waitrose Duchy Organic British Large Free Range Egg
  • vegetable oil, for kneading and oiling
  • 250g pack Le Rustique Camembert, fridge cold
  • 80g Waitrose Duchy Organic Shaved Parmigiano Reggiano DOP
  • tsp nigella seeds
  • 3 sprig/s rosemary, 1 picked into tufts, 2 finely chopped
  • 265g jar Stokes Red Onion Marmalade, to serve


  1. Rub 50g butter into the bread mix, then beat the egg with 240ml tepid water and combine to make a scraggy dough. Set aside for 30 minutes.

  2. On an oiled work surface and using your hands, knead for 5 minutes until springy and smoother. Put into a large oiled bowl, cover with a clean, damp tea towel and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour, or until doubled in size.

  3. Grease a 24cm diameter Bundt tin with the 5g softened butter. Scatter ½ tsp nigella seeds around the tin and add a ring of rosemary tufts. Melt 50g butter in a small pan with the chopped rosemary and 2 tsp nigella seeds.

  4. Cut the Camembert into 32 pieces (it doesn’t have to be exact). Pull the dough into 32 equal pieces. Squash a piece of dough flat, add a chunk of Camembert and about 3g parmesan shavings, then pinch to close. Still pinching, dip into the butter, then nestle into the tin. Repeat to create 2 layers in the tin, brushing over any leftover butter.

  5. Cover and leave to rise for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 190ºC, gas mark 5. Bake for 30 minutes, until golden and risen. Cool for 10 minutes, then give the tin a sharp tap on the counter. Turn onto a plate. Warm the onion marmalade gently in a small pan or in the microwave, if liked. Serve the bread hot or warm, with the onion marmalade for spooning over or dipping.

Cook’s tip

Setting the dough aside for 30 minutes (it doesn’t have to be in a warm place) allows the flour to absorb the liquid for softer dough with a shorter kneading time. To make ahead, go to the end of step 4, then let it rise in the fridge for a couple of hours or overnight. The cooked bread can be reheated in the tin covered with foil in a low oven, or turned out onto a plate into the microwave.


Typical values per serving when made using specific products in recipe


1,752kJ/ 417kcals



Saturated Fat












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