Premium adhesive cream for full and partial dentures. Hold to keep your dentures in place when biting. For hold that lasts all day. Provides a great comfort through the day. Non-flavoured formula.Use Fixodent Plus Unbeatable Bite to help keep your dentures in place all day, especially when eating. This Premium adhesive cream is adapted for full and partial dentures.
Keep out of reach of children. Do not use more than directed. With proper use, this tube should last at least 4 to 5 weeks. In the unlikely event of a serious suspected problem with this product consult your dentist or doctor and report this to the manufacturer and national health authority (UK: MHRA; IE: HPRA).
Preparation and Usage
1: Clean & Dry your denture. 2: Apply adhesive in thin continuous lines as shown or less. 3: Insert denture and hold briefly in place. Read the leaflet before use.
Origin Information
Country of Origin: Germany
Packed In: Germany
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